Our families are the first places we learn about love, connection, and maybe even a little chaos! Just like any family gathering, though, things can get messy. Some families are sunshine and laughter, while others have their share of shade and spats. 

These family of origin issues can influence how we see ourselves, connect with others, and express love. But here’s the thing: families come in all shapes, sizes, and colors – loud and lively Latino households, quiet evenings with grandparents in Japan, chosen families with our closest friends – and that’s what makes it all so beautiful! 

This blog is about exploring how our families, in all their glorious diversity, shape who we are and how we love.

What are the issues of family of origin?

Let’s face it, our families can sometimes pack some interesting things in our emotional backpacks. 

Here are some common experiences that might be lurking in yours:

  • Communication Styles: Did your family openly express emotions, or were things left unsaid? Maybe you grew up in a household with constant yelling, or perhaps stoicism was the norm. These communication patterns can influence how you express yourself and navigate conflict in your current relationships.
  • Expressions of Love: Every family has its own “love language.” Did your family show affection through physical touch, words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, or quality time? Understanding your family’s love language might help you decipher how you give and receive love in your own relationships.
  • Attachment Styles: Our early attachments with caregivers (parents, grandparents, chosen family) play a big role in how we connect with others. Did your family provide a secure base of love and support, or was it more unpredictable? These attachment styles can influence our ability to trust, be vulnerable, and maintain healthy relationships.
  • Cultural Influences: Cultural norms and expectations play a big role in family dynamics. Maybe your family prioritized collectivism and family loyalty, or perhaps individualism and independence were emphasized. Understanding your cultural background can shed light on your family dynamic and its impact on your relationships.
  • Family Dynamics: Blended families, single-parent households, same-sex parents, and multigenerational families are all beautiful expressions of diversity. However, each dynamic can come with its own set of challenges that might influence your relationship patterns.

It’s important to remember that family is not always biological. The chosen families we create with friends, partners, and communities can also have a significant impact on our sense of belonging and love.

What is the family of origin disorder?

While there’s no official diagnosis of “family of origin disorder,” the concept highlights the significant impact these issues can have. It’s more about recognizing the patterns and behaviors learned in our families and how they might be affecting us now.

What is a dysfunctional family of origin?

Let’s face it, families can be a mixed bag. While some families are like heartwarming commercials filled with laughter and support, others deal with challenges that can make things a bit, well, messy. This is what we call a dysfunctional family of origin.

Here’s the thing: dysfunction can show up in many ways, but it basically means a family environment that makes it hard to feel secure, loved, and able to connect with others in a healthy way. Here are some examples:

  • Hurtful Behavior: This can include things like emotional abuse (being put down or made to feel worthless), physical abuse (hitting or hurting someone), or sexual abuse (any unwanted sexual contact). Abuse of any kind is a serious issue, and if you or someone you know is experiencing it, please know there are resources available to help.
  • Living with Addiction: If someone in your family struggles with addiction to substances or behaviors, it can create a lot of uncertainty and stress. You might feel like you’re walking on eggshells, or responsible for “fixing” the situation.
  • Mental Health Matters: Unaddressed mental health concerns within the family can create an unpredictable and confusing environment. It can be hard to know how to act or who to turn to for support.
  • Communication Fails: Some families struggle to have healthy conversations. Maybe there’s constant criticism, blame games, or the silent treatment. This can leave you feeling unheard and unsure of how to express yourself.

But here’s the good news: 

Even if your family wasn’t picture perfect, you’re not alone! There are amazing resources available to help you heal from these experiences and build healthy, supportive relationships moving forward. You can rewrite the script and create the connections you deserve.

What is the family of origin theory?

Family of origin theory, developed by therapist Murray Bowen, delves into the profound influence our early family experiences have on our emotional and psychological makeup. It’s like a blueprint shaping who we are and how we navigate relationships in our present lives. Here’s a deeper look at some key concepts within this theory:

  • Emotional Intensity and Differentiation: Bowen suggests families operate on a spectrum of emotional intensity. In highly intense families, emotions like anger or anxiety run hot, and members struggle to separate their own feelings from those of others. Differentiation, on the other hand, describes the ability to manage your emotions and maintain a sense of self, even when entangled in family dynamics.
  • Family Triangles: Imagine a game of emotional hot potato. Family triangles describe situations where two family members have a conflict, and they pull in a third person to take sides or mediate. This creates an unhealthy dynamic where the focus shifts away from the original issue.
  • Family Roles: Bowen identified common family roles that can influence our behavior. These might include the “placater” who tries to keep the peace, the “lost child” who withdraws emotionally, or the “emotional cut-off” who avoids intimacy altogether. Understanding these roles can help us recognize patterns within our own families and how they might be playing out in our current relationships.
  • Multigenerational Transmission: The theory proposes that unresolved family conflicts and emotional patterns can be passed down through generations. For example, if your parents struggled with communication, you might face similar challenges in your own relationships. By becoming aware of these patterns, we can break the cycle and build healthier connections.

Family of origin theory isn’t about assigning blame or dwelling on the past. It’s a tool for self-awareness, helping us understand how our early experiences might be influencing our present behaviors and relationships. By recognizing these patterns, we can make conscious choices to create healthier, more fulfilling connections moving forward.

Blooming Where You’re Planted: The Final Chapter

Family of origin issues can be a tangled web, but the good news is, you’re not stuck in it! Understanding how your family experiences have shaped you is like having a superpower – the power to create healthier, happier connections in your present life. 

It’s about acknowledging the patterns from the past, not dwelling on them. Maybe you recognize communication styles you learned at home that could use a refresh, or perhaps you see how your family dynamic influences how you connect with others. 

That’s all part of the journey! 

Here’s the beautiful thing: families come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. 

Embrace the beautiful diversity of families, and use that understanding to rewrite the narrative of how you connect with others.

Remember, you are not defined by your family history. By seeking support if needed, and nurturing healthy relationships, you can cultivate a garden of thriving connections that nourish and support you on your life’s journey. 

So go forth, explore, and bloom wherever you’re planted!

Indigo Therapy Group

Therapy Services for the Greater Chicago Area


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900 Skokie Blvd., Suite 255

Northbrook, IL 60062

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1011 Lake Street, Suite 425

Oak Park, IL 60301


Things To Know

  • Elevators & Parking are available at both locations at the buildings. 
  • Virtual services are provided throughout Illinois.


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